
Alejandro Alcalde

Data Scientist and Computer Scientist. Creator of this blog.

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¿Qué es esta lista?

A continuación se listan una serie de Podcast, Canales de Youtube y Blogs que sigo que hablan sobre matemáticas.

Si conoces de algún recurso digital que hable y enseñe matemáticas no listado abajo, contribuye dejándonos un comentario y lo añadiremos a la lista, o mejor aún, añádelo tú mismo haciendo un Pull Request!

Gracias a @sinclair_88 por proponer la idea de crear la lista.

Otras listas


<article class="box-item animate">
   <h3>My Favorite Theorem</h3>
     <img sizes="(min-width: 100px) 100px, 100vw" on="tap:lightbox1" role="button" tabindex="0" layout="responsive" src="/img/myfavtheo.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="My Favorite Theorem Logo" title="My Favorite Theorem"></img>
   <p>Join us as we spend each episode talking with a mathematical professional about their favorite result. And since the best things in life come in pairs, find out what our guest thinks pairs best with their theorem.</p>
   <div class="tags">
   <a href="" target="_blank" title="My Favorite Theorem">RSS</a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="My Favorite Theorem Blog">Web</a>
   <p>A podcast by Grant Sanderson, Ben Eater and Ben Stenhaug about education, technology, and whatever else comes to mind.</p>

   <div class="tags">
     <a href="" target="_blank" title="Ben Ben Blue">Ben Ben Blue</a>


  <img sizes="(min-width: 100px) 100px, 100vw" on="tap:lightbox1" role="button" tabindex="0" layout="responsive" src="/img/3b1b.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="" title="" ></img>

<p>3Blue1Brow-postn is some combination of math and entertainment, depending on your disposition. The goal is for explanations to be driven by animations and for difficult problems to be made simple with changes in perspective.</p>

<div class="tags">
<a href="" target="_blank" title="3Blue1Brow-postn">3Blue1Brow</a>, también tiene un podcast: <a href="" target="_blank" title=""></a>.
<p>Enter the world of the Mathologer in which beautiful math(s) rules.</p>

<div class="tags">
  <a href="" target="_blank" title="MathLoger">MathLoger</a>
<p>Simply put: cool physics and other sweet science.</p>

<div class="tags">
  <a href="" target="_blank" title="MinutePhysics">MinutePhysics</a>
<p>En pocas palabras: física genial y ciencia interesante</p>

<div class="tags">
  <a href="" target="_blank" title="MinutoDeFísica">MinutoDeFísica</a>
<p>Videos about numbers - it's that simple.</p>

<div class="tags">
  <a href="" target="_blank" title="NumberPhile">NumberPhile</a>
<p>This is Numberphile's "second channel" for extra footage or stuff that didn't quite fit on the main channel</p>

<div class="tags">
  <a href="" target="_blank" title="NumberPhile2">NumberPhile2</a>
<p>Mathematician Kelsey Houston-Edwards offers ambitious content for viewers that are eager to attain a greater understanding of the world around them. Math is pervasive - a robust yet precise language - and with each episode you’ll begin to see the math that underpins everything in this puzzling, yet fascinating, universe.</p>

<div class="tags">
  <a href="" target="_blank" title="PBS Infinite Series">PBS Infinite Series</a>
<p>I do mathematics and stand-up. Sometimes simultaneously. Occasionally while being filmed. (It's quite the Venn diagram.)</p>

<div class="tags">
  <a href="" target="_blank" title="StandUpMaths">StandUpMaths</a>


<p>Mathematics section on</p>

<div class="tags">
  <a href="" target="_blank" title=" Mathematics"> Mathematics</a>
<p> Quantum Physics section</p>

<div class="tags">
  <a href="" target="_blank" title="Quantum Physics section on">Quantum Physics section on</a>
<p>Quanta Magazine is an editorially independent online publication launched by the Simons Foundation to enhance public understanding of science. Why Quanta? Albert Einstein called photons “quanta of light.” Our goal is to “illuminate science.”</p>

<div class="tags">
  <a href="" target="_blank" title="Quanta Magazine">Quanta Magazine</a>


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